website as an app

Your website as an app: How to turn a web app into a native app

Get your existing website or web app into the app stores faster than you thought possible - at a fraction of the cost of a native app.

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Your website/web app wrapped

How does it work?

It is not always necessary to develop a completely new native app for iOS or Android.

If you already have an existing website/web app that you would like to bring to the Apple and Google app stores as an app in its current form, we can develop a so-called “wrapper”.

This wrapper is a genuine native app that serves as a container for your website or web app and displays it. It also allows you to use functions that are otherwise not available, e.g. push notifications or in-app purchases.

When does this approach make sense?

When should you turn your web app into a native app?

If you already have a fully functional web app or website that has all the features you need for mobile users and you just want it to be available in the app stores, then the wrapper approach is perfect.

It makes it possible to quickly publish a native version of a web app without having to redevelop the underlying functionality.


  • Company websites that should only be accessible as a mobile app.
  • Web-based services such as e-commerce platforms or blogs that mainly provide content and do not require complex functions.
  • Small to medium-sized applications that are already optimized for mobile devices (responsive design).

This path also offers you the option of developing your website or web app step by step into a fully-fledged native app in the future.

Does this work for every website?

Works for every website and web app

Whether WordPress, Laravel or another system - this solution works with any website or web app. Simply concentrate on the further development of your web application and reach your users both on the web and mobile.

Additional channels via the app stores

Be found in the Apple and Google app stores

We get your website or web app into the Apple App Store and Google Play quickly and cost-effectively. This way, you will be found even better when users search for your offer.

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1. wrap existing website

First, we develop the wrapper that integrates your website or web app into a real native app. This enables all the functions of a native app and the app can be uploaded to the app stores.
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2. test all functions

An important step is to test all the functions of your existing website/web app in the newly developed wrapper. In 99% of all cases there are no problems. If it comes to the last 1%, we will solve it together.
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3. upload to the app stores

Once your website/web app has been developed and tested as a native app, we prepare your app store entries and ensure that your new apps can be found and installed by users.

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