readfy App

E-books for everyone - free and unlimited

Innovation meets stability at the number 1 free e-book reader app. Johnny Bytes took over the existing app incl. backend and successfully modernized it. In addition, advertising revenue was increased by 500%.

About the project

Free e-book flatrate with a huge selection

Readfy offers a free e-book flat rate that up to half a million people use every day on their iOS and Android devices.With over 200,000 e-books from more than 6,000 series, Readfy offers a comprehensive and constantly growing reading experience.Thanks to a direct connection to various publishers, the book catalog is constantly being expanded so that users can regularly discover new and exciting content.

DIe Herausforderung

Lots of support requests & stability issues

The primary goal was to improve the stability of the backend in order to reduce outages and support requests. In addition to the complexity of the project, which resulted from a diverse technology stack and outdated documentation, further framework conditions had to be taken into account:

// No staging system and inadequate backup concepts.

// Significant maintenance backlog that needed to be addressed and reduced.

// Management of the numerous publisher interfaces for synchronizing the e-book library.

Our approach

Our Approach & collaboration

A parallel staging system was set up so that (load) tests could be carried out independently of the production system. Critical areas were outsourced to a cloud infrastructure and secured with a robust backup concept. We carried out extensive software updates and improved the modularization of the API to enable more flexible load distribution and scalability. The maintenance backlog of the native apps was cleared with numerous updates, laying a solid foundation for future development.

We successfully integrated new features such as social logins and a parental control concept to increase user-friendliness and compliance. In-app advertising was redesigned to offer customized content and increase revenue. In addition, we introduced email campaigns to drive user engagement and increase interaction with the platform.

We continuously monitor important metrics of the backend and mobile apps to be able to react immediately in case of problems. Our close collaboration with the Readfy team enables us to respond quickly to customization requests and develop innovative solutions together.

Impressive project successes

Improved stability, higher customer satisfaction & increased revenue

Our efforts led to a significant stabilization of the platform, which was reflected in a reduction in support requests and improved customer satisfaction. Thanks to modernized native apps, we can react more quickly to necessary updates and implement new features, and in-app sales increased by an impressive 500% thanks to the new advertising concept and efficient mailing automation.



increased in-app revenue





Less support requests


With Readfy, up to half a million users regularly read over 130,000 ebooks for free. Johnny Bytes took over the apps for iOS and Android from our previous nearshore partner and not only brought them and the backend up to date in a very short time, but also ensured that in-app sales increased by 500%.

Philipp Ortmaier, CEO, readfy GmbH
Philipp Ortmaier
CEO, readfy GmbH
Collaboration in the future

Sustainable optimizations FOR the future

Our long-term partnership with Readfy is characterized by our joint efforts to continuously improve the platform and implement innovative solutions. A particular focus is currently on the research and application of contextual advertising, which makes it possible to target advertising content even more specifically to users.

By intelligently analyzing book content, we can place advertising that fits seamlessly into the reading experience. This opens up the possibility of displaying topic-related advertising that is tailored to the specific interests and preferences of readers. In this way, we can not only improve the user experience, but also increase the efficiency of advertising measures.

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