Improved performance and fewer support requests without disrupting operations so that up to 35,000 tourists in local accommodation can get the best information about their vacation every day.
The TIPPTHEK is a guest information system for tourists that is installed in thousands of South Tyrolean hotels and tourism associations. Every year, over 2.5 million guests use the system to find out about their accommodation and the surrounding area via various output channels - from smartphones and touch screens to luxurious totems.
The existing system was struggling to keep up with its success:
// Too much content from hotels and the surrounding area (tours, events, etc.) slowed down the APIs and the user interface.
// Too many users were accessing the wealth of information at the same time.
// Hoteliers and tourism associations were no longer able to enter their content as usual.
As the TIPPTHEK has to be available to its accommodation providers and tourists all year round, the challenge was to update the system during ongoing operations to restore performance and provide guests with the best possible information.
In the planning and analysis phase of the modernization of TIPPTHEK, we first identified components in the frontend and the corresponding parts in the backend that were suitable for renewal. We developed a coordinated approach to update these components simultaneously by switching to React in the frontend and migrating to .NET Core in the backend at the same time. This parallel customization allowed us to make the integration and interaction between the frontend and backend seamless, while ensuring the continued operational readiness of the system without disruption to end users.
When optimizing the UI and UX, we focused on developing intuitive and user-friendly interfaces. We adapted our designs to the individual needs of users by implementing personalized interactions and an adaptive layout that flexibly adapted to different usage contexts. We also prioritized responsiveness to ensure a seamless and optimal user experience across all devices and platforms.
We modernized TIPPTHEK's technical infrastructure by successfully migrating the back-end from .NET Framework to .NET Core to benefit from increased performance and platform independence. On the front-end, we implemented React to create a dynamic and user-friendly interface that significantly improved the user experience. This integration allowed us to gradually update components and features on the fly.
Die erfolgreiche Modernisierung im laufenden Betrieb zeichnet sich durch eine signifikant verbesserte Leistungsfähigkeit und Benutzererfahrung aus, ohne den Betrieb zu stören. Durch sorgfältige Planung und Implementierung von fortschrittlichen Technologien wurde eine nahtlose Integration neuer Funktionen erreicht, während die Systemstabilität gewährleistet blieb. Die TIPPTHEK stellt nun ein Paradebeispiel dar, wie innovative Technologien effektiv in bestehende Systeme integriert werden können, um den Nutzen für Endanwender zu maximieren, ohne den Betriebsfluss zu unterbrechen.
lower Cloud costs
Accommodation providers & tourism associations
fewer support requests
Johnny Bytes has taken over the development and support of our guest information system TIPPTHEK and migrated it to a modern and sustainable architecture in a very short time. This allows us to install TIPPTHEK in thousands of South Tyrolean accommodations and provide up to 35,000 tourists a day with personalized information about their accommodation and the surrounding area.
We will continue to ensure the operation of the TIPPTHEK in the future and keep the system up to date.
We take care of support requests, maintain security updates and maintain the servers to ensure the continuous performance and security of the TIPPTHEK.
Let us know the requirements of your app in a free consultation and we will find the best way together.
We look forward to hearing from you!